Thursday 25 April 2024

try...catch...finally - Not (quite) what I expected

Consider this bit of code:-

def foo(): print("Called foo()") try: print("In the 'try' block") 10 / 0 except Exception as e: print("Got an exception: ", str(e)) finally: print("In the 'finally' block") print("About to return from foo() at the bottom") foo()

What do you think it will output? It probably won't come as a surprise:-

$ python3 Called foo() In the 'try' block Got an exception: division by zero In the 'finally' block

Now consider this slightly variation:-

def foo(): print("Called foo()") try: print("In the 'try' block") 10 / 0 except Exception as e: print("Got an exception: ", str(e)) return print("In the 'except' block, after the 'return' statement") finally: print("In the 'finally' block") print("About to return from foo() at the bottom") foo()

Note the addition of the return statement to the except block. I would have bet money that it would behave differently: that the return in the except block would return straight out of foo(). and the finally block would not be reached. I would have lost the money:-

$ python3 Called foo() In the 'try' block Got an exception: division by zero In the 'finally' block

The return statement in the except block does not exit foo(): rather it drops to the finally block. I can't claim credit for noticing this: my youngest son got caught out by this behaviour and told me about it.

One other thing to notice: in either case, if an exception occurs and is caught, foo() returns at the bottom of the finally block: the print statement at the bottom of foo() is never reached. Ofcourse, of no exception occurs, the finally block is still run and the rest of foo() runs as you would expect.

It got me to wondering if other languages behaved the same way. Let's try it in Javascript:-

function foo() { console.log("Called foo()") try { console.log("In the 'try' block") throw new Error("oops") } catch(e) { console.log("Got an exception: ", e) return console.log("In the 'catch' block, after the 'return' statement") } finally { console.log("In the 'finally' block") } console.log("About to return from foo() at the bottom") } foo()

It behaves in exactly the same way:-

$ node a.js Called foo() In the 'try' block Got an exception: Error: oops at foo (/home/eamonn/tmp/a.js:7:15) at Object. (/home/eamonn/tmp/a.js:22:1) at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1198:14) at Object.Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1252:10) at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1076:32) at Function.Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:911:12) at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (node:internal/modules/run_main:81:12) at node:internal/main/run_main_module:22:47 In the 'finally' block

Ofcourse, this is all well documented: it's just not exactly how I thought it worked. RTFM, people 😉

Wednesday 3 April 2024

Antenna Experiments - Reprise

This is a follow-up to my earlier earlier post: if you haven't already done so, I suggest reading that one first.

I caved and bought a NanoVNA. It is a useful piece of equipment for not very much money, if you have an interest in RF.

Anyway, hooking up one of those "DF Robot" 433MHz antennae to it produced some interesting (in that they differ sharply from the previous results) results:-

The maximum return-loss/lowest VSWR occurs at 436MHz. Between 433.5MHz and 438.5MHz, the VSWR < 1.5. This is much closer to the expected values and suggest that my previous attempts to measure antenna resonance using just a spectrum analyser are not to be relied-upon.

Turning to the antenna consisting of a bit of coax with 16.5cm of exposed inner conductor, recall that theory suggested that the resonant frequency of that should be 454.5MHz.  It turns out that reality concurs pretty closely:-

 That red marker is at 452MHz, which is pretty close. It also suggests that the velocity factor of the signal in the coax should not be considered when doing the calculation. It isn't completely obvious (to me, anyway) why not: my intuition suggests that it should. But nothing I have read supports this intuition and now the measurements also indicate that my intuition is wrong. If you know why, please do leave a comment letting me know.

Also, it looks like the "rubber ducky" antenna is a much better antenna than the piece of coax at all of the relevant frequencies.